Furnace installation should start with HVAC Colorado Springs professionals visiting your home. They will measure the square footage and make a quick recommendation on the size of the furnace you need. Then they will conduct a load calculation for your home, taking into account the insulation in your house and the number and quality of windows. Then, they will determine how much ductwork your home needs to allow airflow through the new system. Finally, a trained professional will help you choose the most energy-efficient model and the ductwork to accommodate it.


The next step is to locate the right location. A professional installer can help you with this by making sure you have the proper clearance, ventilation, and ductwork. You can choose to build a concrete stand to accommodate the furnace. Otherwise, you can choose to install the furnace on the floor, brick, granite slabs, marble, stone, or ceramic tiles. A professional installer will also make sure your HVAC system is functioning correctly before installing your new furnace. Lastly, they can recommend how to care for your new unit.
After the installation team has positioned the unit, they will take it inside and connect it to the ventilation and power source. If you’re using a gas furnace, your furnace may be bolted to the floor. Once the furnace is installed, it’s time to connect it to the vents, the gas, and the electricity lines. Finally, they will hook up the air filter and make sure the main unit is level. If the metal is touching the ground, it will start to rust.
Once all the pieces have been properly assembled, the installation team will transport the new unit into the home. They will position it so that it will be comfortable for your family. Once they have positioned it properly, they will connect the various pieces that make up the furnace. They will need to hook up the air ducts and the power source. If you’re replacing an electric furnace, you will need an electrician to do the final connections. The last step of the installation process is to connect the vents and ducts.
The installation team will bring the new furnace inside and position it accordingly. They will also have to adjust the placement of the ducts before the installation starts. Afterward, they will hook up the furnace to the power source and the ventilation system. Once this is done, they will test the furnace to make sure that it’s working correctly. A professional should also tell you what maintenance to do to keep it operating optimally. The right HVAC system is essential to your comfort and safety.
When choosing a furnace installation team, make sure that they’re licensed to perform this work. While you can hire a contractor to install your furnace, you should also check the company’s license and insurance. This will ensure the safety of your home and the quality of the installation team. A certified technician will have the necessary knowledge and experience to install your furnace. It is best to hire a professional with experience in this area, as they’re likely to be more experienced and more knowledgeable in this area.
Before installing the new furnace, the installation team should check the location and make sure that it is level and has proper ventilation. It will be attached to the ductwork and the ventilation system before complete installation. Then, it should be hooked up to the electrical source and the gas line. If the furnace is powered by gas, it should have an outlet near the furnace. A good electric connection will also be necessary to make sure that it works properly.
Once the furnace is installed, the professional will ensure that it is installed correctly and that it meets all safety requirements. The installation process should not be a surprise for you, as the sales representative should have explained everything to you beforehand. The installation team will prepare the plenums, ductwork, gas lines, wiring, and other components for the new furnace. Once you’ve made sure all these aspects are ready, it will be much easier for the installer to get started with the installation.